Multi-ligament knee injury (MLKI)
- 2 or more ligaments disrupted
Knee dislocation
- ACL + PCL + one of collaterals
Mechanism of injury
High energy (MVA)
Low energy (sport)
- low energy has 5% arterial injury
Multi-ligament knee injury (MLKI)
- 2 or more ligaments disrupted
Knee dislocation
- ACL + PCL + one of collaterals
High energy (MVA)
Low energy (sport)
- low energy has 5% arterial injury
Age 6 as maximum ligamentous laxity
- < 4 - physeal separation
- > 8 - dislocation
Male > F
Supracondylar region in 6 year old is thin
- thinnest at olecranon fossa (2-3 mm)