





Much less common than hip and knee OA
Patients tend to be younger




Primary ankle OA is uncommon, 80% of ankle OA is post-traumatic


Valderrabano et al CORR 2009

- 406 patients with end stage ankle OA

- 80% post-traumatic

- 13% secondary OA

- 9% primary OA




Ankle Fracture Plafond Fracture Talus Ligament Instability

Swierstra et al EFORT Open Rev 2022

- systematic review ankle fractures

- 25% OA

Harris et al Foot Ankle Int 2006

- 79 tibial plafond ORIF

- 2 year follow up

- 40% OA

Talus osteochondral lesions

Talus malunion / AVN post neck fracture

Lofenberg et al Foot Ankle Int 1994

- 37 patients with chronic ankle instability

- 20 year follow up 13% OA

OA ORIF Tibial plafond OA talus avn Valgus OA


Secondary OA


Rheumatoid OA / Inflammatory OA / Infection / Hemochromatosis / Hemophilia / Charcot




Thin cartilage 1 mm


Joint highly congruent
- 1mm shift causes 40% decrease in contact area

- increases tibio-talar contact stresses





- with weight bearing

- nightime


Stiff ankle joint




Ranges from anterior spurring to severe OA

80% of post-traumatic OA is varus


Takakura classification


Grade Description
1 Early sclerosis and formation of osteophytes
2 Narrowing of the medial joint space
3A Obliteration of the medial joint space with subcondral bone contact
3B Obliteration of joint space over roof of talar dome, with subchondral bone contact
4 Obliteration of joint space with complete tibiotalar contact


Anterior spur

Type 1: Anterior spurs


Ankle OAType 3b

Type 3A: Obliteration of medial joint space               Type 3B: Obliteration medial joint space plus tibio-talar contact with varus


Ankle OA AP XrayAnkle OA Lateral Xray

Type 4 complete obliteration




Ankle CT Anterior Osteophyte

Small anterior tibial spur


ankle OACtCT

Large cysts in patient with ankle OA




Ankle OA MRIANkle MRIAnkle MRI




Non Operative




Ding et al Int Orthop 2023

- systematic review of 4 studies using PRP for ankle OA

- evidence of improved pain and function at 6 months


Hyaluronic acid


Vannbouathong et al Foot Ankle Int 2018

- systematic review of HA for ankle OA

- 3 RCTs
- evidence for improved pain with HA versus saline at 6 months







Ankle distraction arthroplasty / arthrodiastasis


Supramalleolar osteotomy



Arthroscopic debridement




Anterior impingement

- kissing osteophytes on anterior tibia and talar neck


Ankle distraction arthroplasty / arthrodiastasis




Allows some cartilage regeneration and healing

Young patient




Vumedi ankle distraction arthroplasty


Hinged external fixation distracting joint

- 3 - 4 months
- distracted 5 mm



Arshad et al Foot Ankle Surg 2022

- systematic review distraction arthroplasty

- most improvement at or slightly above MCID (minimal clinically important difference)

- 50% revision to arthrodesis or arthroplasty


Supramalleolar Osteotomy


Valgus OAOsteotomySupramall osteotomy

Varus OA treated with medial opening wedge supramalleolar osteotomy




Varus / valgus malalignment

Asymmetric OA with preserved cartilage in 50% of ankle (Grade 2 and 3A)




Surgical technique supramalleolar osteotomy PDF


Surgical technique supramalleolar osteotomy video




Butler et al KSSTA 2023

- systematic review of 24 studies and 1200 patients

- failure rate 7%

- complication rate 5%

- nonunion rate 2%


Arthrodesis versus Arthroplasty


Functional outcome


Shih et al Foot Ankle Surg 2020

- meta-analysis arthrodesis v arthroplasty last 10 years (3rd generation ankle arthroplasty)

- no difference in total outcome scores / pain / gait / satisfaction between two groups

- improved function and ROM with arthroplasty

- higher complication and reoperation with arthroplasty


Liu et al Int Orthop 2023

- meta-analysis of 37 studies comparing arthrodesis and arthroplasty

- Arthroplasty PROMs > arthrodesis in the short term (<2y)

- Arthroplasty PROMs = arthrodesis in the medium term (2-5y)

- Arthrodesis PROMs > arthroplasty in the long term (>5y)


Revision rate


SooHoo et al JBJS Am 2007

- database of ankle fusions v arthroplasty

- 5 year subtalar arthrodesis rate: ankle fusion 3%

- 5 year subtalar arthrodesis rate: arthroplasty 0.7%


Subtalar arthritis


SooHoo et al JBJS Am 2007

- database of ankle fusions v arthroplasty

- 5 year subtalar arthrodesis rate: ankle fusion 3%

- 5 year subtalar arthrodesis rate: arthroplasty 0.7%


Ankle Arthrodesis


Ankle Arthroplasty