Compound Fractures




Fracture with break in skin communicating with fracture or fracture hematoma

- contamination with micro-organisms

- leads to increased risk in infection and healing problems


Gustilo Classification


  Grade I Grade II Grade III A Grade III B Grade III C
Definition Wound < 1 cm Wound 1 - 10 cm Wound > 10 cm Requires skin graft / flap for coverage Vascular injury
Infection rate          
Antibiotics Cephalosporin Cephalosporin + Gentamycin

Cephalosporin + Gentamycin

+/- penicillin - farm injury

+/- Ciprofloxacin - fresh or salt water

Cephalosporin + Gentamycin

+/- Penicillin - farm injury

+/- Ciprofloxacin - fresh or salt water

Cephalosporin + Gentamycin

+/- Penicillin - farm injury

+/- Ciprofloxacin - fresh or salt water


Infection Rate


I:      0-2%

II:     2-7%

IIIA:  7%

IIIB:  10-50%

IIIC:  25-50% with 50% or more amputation






Prevent infection

Manage the wound

Stabilise the fracture

Enable healing




EMST / ATLS Principles


Assess Limb

- vascular

- neurology

- skin defect / contamination

- photos


Wound / fracture care

- irrigate wound

- apply betadine dressing

- stabilise with POP if possible

- appropriate antibiotics / tetanus

- early surgery for irrigation / debridement / stabilisation





- grade 1: first generation cephalosporin

- grade 2: add gentamicin (increased rate of gram negative infections)

- farmyard / heavily contaminate add penicillin (clostridium / gas gangrene)


Patzakis JBJS Am 1974

- prospective, randomised controlled trial

- infection with preoperative cephalothin was 2.3% 

- infection 13.9% without antibiotic



- studies finding of initial swab correlating with infecting organism has been discredited

- no real correlation between road-side organisms & subsequent infection

- subsequent infection are typically hospital acquired



- increased rate of gram negative infection in Grade II

- hence add aminoglycoside if Grade II

- add penicillin if soil contamination

- no evidence any other combination is better



- delay > 3 hours increases infection risk

- 48 - 72 hours post injury

- 48 - 72 hours post each procedure


Wound Management




Gustilo JBJSA 1987

- infection higher if < 10L washout


Anglen 1984

- pulse lavage 100 x effective than bulb




Must remove all non viable tissue

- remove cortical bone with no ST covering


Timing of wound closure


Do so when wound is clean


No evidence of increased infection with primary closure

- may prevent secondary contamination

- risk of clostridial myonecrosis


DPC (delayed primary closure)

- prevent anaerobic conditions in wound

- facilitates drainage

- allows second debridement

- can seal the wound via vacuum dressing


Fracture Stabilisation



- prevent soft tissue from further injury

- facilitates host response to bacteria despite presence of implants

- allows mobilisation and functional rehab



- IMN best for I, II, IIIA and B

- 10% deep infection in type III B

- best to plate in type IIIC before revascularisation




Reamed v unreamed

- no difference in infection rate


IMN v External fixator

- reduced risk of revision surgery, malunion and superficial infection with IM nail

- no difference in infection rate or union


External fixator

- heavily contaminated wound

- non amenable to nail (i.e. very distal)

- vascular injury


Soft Tissue Reconstruction




Proximal tibia - local pedicle gastrocnemius flap

Middle third - soleus flap

Distal third - free muscle flap (rectus / gracilis / lat dorsi)




Gopal et al JBJS Br 2000

- early < 72 hours v late > 72 hours

- 6% v 29% deep infection

- did not use antibiotic beads